Neighborhood Sewer Systems Improvements

Client: City of Houston

Location: Houston, Texas

OTHON was selected by the City of Houston to provide preliminary design, final design and construction administration services for City of Houston Neighborhood Sewer System Improvements Project (NSSI), Basin AS069. The service area is bounded by Westheimer on the south, San Felipe on the north, Shepherd Street on the east, and Kirby on the west. The total project area is approximately 250 acres. The area is experiencing significant urban redevelopment with increased density of new residential, business, and commercial construction (including high rise condominiums).

Extensive utility coordination was performed in addition to coordination with the City, area churches, civic associations, and neighborhood Home Owners Associations. The new sanitary sewers, manholes, and infrastructure improvements comply with City of Houston Infrastructure Design Manual (IDM) design criteria and standards.


OTHON's Scope

  • Abandonment of approximately 30,500 linear feet of existing sanitary sewers in back lot easements and construction of new sanitary sewers in the public street right of way
  • Project includes design of new sanitary sewer laterals including 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-inch, 18 inch and 24-inch in street right-of-ways
  • Improvements to the storm sewer system, water main replacement, street paving improvements, street lighting improvements, and related utility improvements