Much of what we know about past civilizations, we’ve learned by studying the structures they left behind.  Bridges, aqueducts, dams, buildings, and walls endure weather and age as a testament to the societies that created them.  Yet each one existed to fulfill a purpose similar to the structures of today: to connect people and places; to provide for shelter; to carry water; or to harness nature.

OTHON’S history in structural engineering includes working with clients to design and oversee construction of a wide variety of facilities including bridges, buildings, retaining walls, sign structures, wharves, and water and wastewater plants. Structures that not only function, but also where appropriate, feature aesthetic form to reflect and enrich the communities they will serve for many years to come.


Services for Structural Engineering include:

  • Bridges (Multi-level/Highway/Railroad)

  • Buildings

  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

  • Hydraulic Structures

  • Marine Structures

  • Retaining Walls

  • Box Culverts

  • Sign Structures

  • Pump Stations